
Increased Liver Damage

The major route of elimination for amoxicillin is via the kidney, whereas for clavulanic acid it is by both kidney and non-kidney dependent mechanisms. Alcohol is largely metabolized by the liver.

Taking both together can affect how Augmentin is metabolized in the body. Hence, it affects drug efficacy and, as a whole, leads to reduced compliance and elongated treatment time. It is thus safer to avoid using both together.

Effects on Laboratory Tests


How to Give Clavamox for Dogs Safely

Clavamox is a generally safe drug, but there are some things you need to keep in mind when administering Clavamox—or any new drug.

Observe your dog closely for any signs of an allergic reaction or adverse side effects, especially if this is the first time your dog has taken the antibiotic. augmentin for sale If possible, arrange for someone to check in on your dog if you plan on being away from the house for more than a few hours.

Talk to your vet about the best way to administer the drug and about any possible medication interactions. If your veterinarian prescribes oral suspension drops, remember to refrigerate them, as they will go bad very quickly if left out. If your dog’s condition does not seem to be responding to the drug, call your vet.

The best way to get answers to questions regarding your pet’s medications is to talk to your prescribing veterinarian. If you have concerns about giving your dog antibiotics or if you suspect your dog is having an adverse reaction, call your veterinarian for medical advice.


Amoxicillin, clavulanic acid (as potassium); 875mg/125mg; tabs.